And if youre going to do it, you do it every day for the rest of your life. Disaster. Thats why Yamantaka would also have a buffalo head.. Then warnings against disasters that will happen if you dont do each of the steps properly. Sponsoring initiations and teachings is a practice of the highest form of generosity - giving the Dharma. It tells us that there are many, many ways and many appearances of all these various Buddha-figures. Right? Thats the story., And he was still so angry and upset, he decided to kill everybody in Tibet. And in the Avesta you also find Yama here its called Yima and hes also the first man to die, and he also becomes the guardian of the hells. By virtue he is purely 100% Manjushri and no other. This whole thing of making requests you have to really understand what that means. Yama is mentioned in the tenth book of the Rg Veda. by Jamyang Khyentse Chkyi Lodr. This is Yama, and already hes associated with wisdom, being very intelligent., Later, in one of the Upanishads, the Katha Upanishad, Yama is a teacher, and so hes even further associated with wisdom. A lot is explained. So you have to understand whats going on here., The main thing is the division between whether you explain the fourth initiation explicitly or not. It is even more extraordinary to be able to receive regular guidance from such an experienced practitioner as Les, who has received extensive teachings from Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden . All the former are yidams (meditational deities) whereas Yamaraja (sometimes also called Dharamaraja) is a Dharma protector. But if its, if things change because we understand, then things would have changed because many people understand that point once they have studied Buddhism. Then he saw a boat with an oarsman cross over. Dont think that any of these systems are simple. Dharma in that tradition means justice, justice in the sense of what maintains the order of karma in terms of rebirth. Secondly, Yamantaka is the most ferocious out of all the deities existent within the Tibetan pantheon of Buddhas. V 3087 2021 V ,3087,2021,,V,/b68wh . So if you want to do these more advanced practices and so on, you have to have the strength of conviction, the understanding of reality (so Manjushri in your heart), and this forceful energy to be able to chase away interferences your confusion, your selfishness, and so on chase away the interferences and stay steady in your practice. Plus in the palace itself of Guhyasamaja, you have four gateways, and Yamantaka is there in one of the gateways as a protector also. I am not being miserly about the teaching, but the Yamantaka teaching is like the heart of the dakinis. Yamantaka is a wrathful expression of Manjushri, the bodhisattva of wisdom. So Yamantaka is already one of the protectors on this wheel in Guhyasamaja as well as on this wheel in the Yamantaka and Hevajra practices. the ritual for collecting the syllables of the three Vajrabhairava mantras. Then the last mantra, you can do 21 times again. by . After His Holiness had taken his seat on the throne, Theravada monks once again chanted the Mangala Sutta in Pali. As general background, we need to have just some general idea of what is tantra about. Thats understanding Buddha as someone who was enlightened many, many eons ago, who just manifests becoming enlightened, and who does these incredible things to teach the whole universe. As Serkong Rinpoche used to explain: You want to chase thieves away from your gate. Lalitavajra brought these teachings back to India from Ugyen and gave them to Lilavajra, his disciple at Vikramashila Monastery. The binding factors that keeps us in Samsara is, ignorance. It provides the most detail about the methods for generating the four levels of blissful awareness of voidness within the central energy-channel, enabling access to the subtlest level of mind, clear light. Khenpo Sherab Sangpo suggests that his students recite . Yamantaka: Yama is death, the Lord of Death, and antaka, the one who puts an end to, so the one who puts an end to the Lord of Death. Yamantaka is in the form of a very, very strong, forceful figure and has Manjushri in his heart (so very peaceful, calm, the complete understanding of reality). The name Bhairava indicating one of Shivas main forms and the various attributes/implements like the trident, tiger-skin, ashes, drum (Skt: damaru), etc. And one of Atishas teachers was Dharmarakshita, who was the author of this mind training (lojong) called Wheel of Sharp Weapons (Theg-pa chen-poi blo-sbyong mtshon-cha khor-lo). He has three red, blood-shot eyes; his breath swirls from the anger-creased nose in black clouds, his jaw wide agape with four sharp fangs bared, the tongue flickering like lightning, and orange hair, eyebrows and moustache bristling upward like the fire. So one has to be very, very careful. Please continue to make your life most meaningful ,with the thought of bodhicitta in every action that you do. The type of Buddha that is in the Mahayana sutras is a completely different type of Buddha. Ive already spoken in previous visits about Chakrasamvara and Guhyasamaja, so now we have Vajrabhairava left. The reason is its easier to say in Mongolian, and because its so strong with the Mongols, everybody calls it Yamantaka usually.. And theres an enormous amount of teachings. So now you look: Why Oddiyana? Lalitavajra, a 10th-century scholar from the Nalanda monstary in Bihar whose main yidam was Manjushri, one day had a vision of the deity telling him to go to the land of Oddiyana and retrieve the tantras of Yamantaka. suggest the same. So they basically bribed the people to adopt Yamantaka, like the Christian missionaries are doing now in Mongolia, paying people to go to church, so it's a similar type of thing. This is a Buddha according to Mahayana, who then manifests in so many different forms and in Buddha-fields, and he teaches to hundreds of thousands of devas and asuras and gandharvas all these figures from general Indian mythology or whatever you want to call it all these various beings in these incredible settings, and so on. All the confusion and disturbing emotions and compulsiveness of our samsaric, karmic type of life is occurring on grosser levels, not this subtlest level that just provides the continuity. So he met this dakini, and she gave him the initiation of Vajrabhairava. Vajrabhairava is powerful enough to overcome and subdue even the most powerful negative emotions. (5) And the fifth point is that to attain enlightenment we need to rely on the deep awareness of Manjushri. You can envision this person with a Pali canon type of vision. Its very clear in that text, the Wheel of Sharp Weapons, that the weapons are intended to overcome our self-cherishing, our grasping for our self, and so on. Buddha appears in a stupa, and theres the dakinis, and all this sort of stuff. Kriya Tantra: The Four Types of Mental Stability, The Nature of Appearances: Madhyamaka & Highest Tantra, The Nature of Appearances: Gelug Explanation - Part 5 of 5. He got the insight that we need a Guru to cross the ocean of samsara. So Kalantaka, and then you have the Buddhist variant Yamantaka, the one that puts an end to Yama.. Vajrabhairava is using the forceful energy, like of anger but not really anger, because with anger you are completely exaggerating the negative qualities of something, grasping to it to be truly existent, and then I have to get it away from me. Its not that kind of anger, but its the energy of that and its using that, as I said, to forcefully cut through all your ignorance and your self-cherishing and selfishness and so on. Then you get three different ways of looking at the same thing. Hes described as being very wise, and he judges the rebirth of those who die. Hence, thats called habituation. At the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama, he went back to his own monastery, Tashilhunpo (bKras-shis lhun-po), and many Mongols came to Tashilhunpo to study with him., So already, through the influence of the Fourth Panchen Lama, Yamantaka practice had reached the Mongols. In the other schools of Tibetan Buddhsim, Yamantaka seems to be mostly revered as a protector. (1) The first is that in this age of degeneration, practitioners will not be harmed by interferences. That is symbolized by Yamantakas set of hands, on the left side set of hands, you will see one row, one row, one hand is holding one man impaled on a stick. ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUSHPE, DHUPE, ALOKE, GHENDE, NAIWITYE, SHABTA PRATICCHA HUNG SOHA. From Tibet it spread to Mongolia, and then the Manchus took it up and it was a big practice in Beijing, where the Manchus ruled. All the texts explain the benefits of having OM MANI PADME HUM [in the prayer wheel]. Hence within the tantric system, you have four sets of tantras: Charya, Yoga, Kriya and Maha Anuttara tantra. First Yamantaka already appears as a protector early in the development of Buddhist tantra. So we have: But all of these have a buffalo head and a Manjushri head on top. Yamantaka also appears in other tantras before Lalitavajras time. He said, If you keep the secrecy and do the practice, there is no doubt that you will attain enlightenment in this lifetime. New rebirth samsaric rebirth with another cluster or configuration of these habits being activated and generating the next samsaric life filled with the same types of compulsive behavior and confusion. One Eastern Mongol a Torgud Mongol came to study with the Fourth Panchen Lama, called Neiji Toin. So were talking about a kingdom up in the mountains of northwestern Pakistan. But if we analyze deeply, then we see that what we need to really work with is the subtlest level of our minds and the subtlest energy of that subtlest level of our minds. You understand on a deeper level a Buddhist analysis of different points of view. The root mantra, the third one you should do as much as possible even while youre watching TV and youre free, you can do that mantra. Lama Zopa Rinpoche has requested that only those who have received full initiation into the Highest Yoga Tantra practice of Yamantaka (Dorje Jigje) read this book, however, two chapters are available here for the general public to read. More precisely, the Manchus identified Beijing as the Vajrabhairava manadala with the Forbidden City, the Imperial City and the Outer City forming three concentric mandala circles, with the Emperor as Vajrabhairava in the center. His two horns symbolize two truth. Yamantaka Initiation July 17-18; Search. So the Second Buddha is called Gyalwa Nyipa. I personally find it quite fascinating and actually quite helpful to see what actually has happened with this practice, how does it actually fit into history, the religious development, and so on. The statue is shown with three faces, each with a third eye. Its the region just south of that. It should be given only to as few disciples as possible. Many of the Eastern Mongols had already accepted Tibetan Buddhism at this time, but Neiji Toin wanted to convert the remaining shamanistic Eastern Mongol tribes and get them to accept the Gelug lineage of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism particularly with the practice of Yamantaka. If you find tsog difficult, never mind. Then do a very powerful dedication, to Yamantaka at the end and that will be very good. I believe the intention of the person who requested this was that, because in the Gelug tradition theres a large emphasis from Tsongkhapa on the three deities of Guhyasamaja (gSang-ba 'dus-pa), Chakrasamvara, ('Khor-lo bde-mchog), and Vajrabhairava, it would be helpful to have some general idea of these three systems. Now, soon after that, Yama becomes incorporated into the Shiva complex of Hindu deities. She has calm, partially furious, and fully furious looks. It can also subdue the four maras, Devaputra mara, Skanda mara, Klesa mara, and Mrtyu mara. So for us to realize that, for us to understand that intellectually is easy. Rilbu means qualified inner nectar pill put inside. Already there was an association between the Manchus and the Dalai Lamas. Visualizing oneself in this highly energetic form of the yidam is said to help conquer and transform negative emotions. Outer and Secret forms have buffalo heads, the Secret Yamaraja form does not. A Buddha that appears and teaches the tantras is yet another type of Buddha. Its totally improper to bribe people to practice this tantra. But the Manchu ruler didnt want to get involved with this, and so he said, Take it to the Fifth Dalai Lama. In the Gelug tradition this became very, very strongly practiced. If you memorize this, well give you a yak, well give you a camel, stuff like this. There was a holy man who was told that if he meditated for the next fifty years, he would achieve enlightenment. Our own confusion, our own laziness, our own bad temper and anger, our own attachments. This represents two types of practices in Guhyasamaja: illusory body and clear light. So what we want to do is to be able to overcome that kind of death and instead be able, in our meditation, to get to that subtlest level of mental activity. One has to be very, very well prepared and have a very realistic idea of how difficult its going to be. Theres no separate me experiencing it.) The subtlest energy of it to transform and appear in the form of a Buddha. If one has time, one should do the long Yamantaka tantra, one should do the long Yamantaka sadhana, every single day that one can. Okay? The traditional account of how Buddha gave these teachings was that he arose in the form of Yamantaka just as when Buddha gave the teachings of other tantras, like Guhyasamaja and Chakrasamvara, he arose in that form and gave the teachings and he gave these teachings in 100,000 chapters. Ra Lotsawa requested further, but they didnt even know the name or form of Yamantaka., One day, Ra Lotsawa followed the Guru to a cave, where the Guru always went. So its a method.) Manjushri is the one that Tsongkhapa had all these visions of and relied on for getting real nonconceptual cognition of voidness., And it goes down the Gelugpa line to, eventually, the Fourth Panchen Lama. Consequently the practice became one of the three principal tantras taught at the tantric colleges and monastic universities. Gelug Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Remember this association of Yamantaka with Manjushri? Otherwise, I wish you the best. As we see with how we set our motivation in the Buddhist practice, we are moved by compassion. You have Yamantaka appearing in Guhyasamaja already. Its interesting. He came from Odisha. And Manjushri transformed himself into Yamantaka, looking very similar to Yama but ten times more powerful and horrible, and Manjushri as Yamantaka then defeated Yama and made him into a protector for Buddhism., So what do we learn from this story? And he becomes a guardian of the hells. You can work with this person from an anuttarayoga tantra vision. In Vajrayana Buddhism, Vajrabhairava, also known as Yamantaka, is (1) a wrathful, buffalo-headed meditational deity (Tib: yi-dam) of the Highest Yoga Tantra class and/or (2) a dharma protector. (3) And then the third point is that he holds a khatvanga staff, which indicates that he incorporates the teachings of voidness and bliss from Chakrasamvara. Buddhism is an Indian religion, an Indian system, and it shares many, many, many things in common with what later becomes Hinduism and Jainism. There are two main traditions: Okay, enough of art history or iconography. So hence, thats very, very important. By the way, if you dont know the geography, were talking about the region which is You know where Khabarovsk is? Like other wrathful deities, Yamantaka gives the forces of the Shadow [in the Jungian sense] a symbol that hooks their energy and provides a channel and direction for their expression and transformation (Preece, p. 187). Your donations support this site and the annual costs of maintaining it. So these ideas about Yama are percolating in this cultural area, with influence from these three different ways of thinking the Iranian, the Indian non-Buddhist, and the Buddhist. Whats so special about this area that Guru Rinpoche comes from there, the tantras all come from there, and so on? Thats what a Buddha does. Yamantaka is the manifestation of Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of Stainless Wisdom. Father tantra emphasizes the practices to basically get illusory body (sgyu-lus) and the physical bodies of a Buddha, the Form Bodies of a Buddha. That ignorance is, is manifested as grasping of the self that does not exist. Her physique is robust, matching that of Yamantaka. I wish you the best. So for this, Yamantaka is the best strong on the outside, Manjushri (wisdom, calm, clear) on the inside. This nine-headed form appears either in a forty-nine-deity mandala, a thirteen-deity mandala, or a single-deity mandala. Vajrabhairava is sometimes called just Yamantaka. Its very important to read the Lamrim, The Wheel of Sharp Weapons, and also to focus on Guru Devotion, having powerful Guru Devotion is very important and focusing on your yidam, Yamantaka. We have in Guhyasamaja, as I mentioned in my previous lecture about that, a whole different system of secrecy than we have here in Vajrabhairava. Proofread by Sarah Yap That was kept in the Dharmaganja Stupa it was kept inside which was venerated by all the dakinis. Last but not least, read up on your Bodhisattva Vows, read up on your Tantric Vows. To this very day it is considered one of the most important yidam practices, both for monastic and lay practitioners alike. Are they all the same person that you find in the Pali canon, that you find in the Mahayana sutras, that you find in the tantra texts? And also individual, meaning the aptitude of the person, and karmic dispositions, means their previous life connections and their ability and their need to practice. So, therefore out of the various sets of Yamantaka tantras, he took out two sets of Yamantaka tantras. So I have received your wonderful offering, and I thank you. So what does this tell us? Tibetans and Indian practitioners have always focused on Manjushri in order to gain super intelligence, super clarity of mind. He represents the power, energy, and fearlessness of the Buddhas. Were talking about the early seventeenth century. Dancing costume and mask of Yamantaka, worn by Tibetan monks (Buddhists) during Cham Dance. Om Mani is one of the few most-famed Buddhist mantras that most Asian Buddhists, mainly the Tibetans, put their firm believe in and recite regularly. So have a good image of Yamantaka, can be a picture, can be a thangka, can be a good statue, and a picture or image of your root lama whom you received the Yamantaka initiation from, very fortunate. Its very interesting whats actually here in the root tantras. What you find here in all these chapters of these three texts are very, very strong rituals that are dealing with overcoming harmful beings, and you read them and they really sound absolutely violent and horrible., The first one, the Condensed Chapters of the Root Tantra,has seven chapters condensed from that 100,000 chapter version (either 100,000 chapters or verses its unclear because the text is lost)., One of the people later in the lineage is Atisha, one of the people who brought it originally to Tibet. Is purely 100 % Manjushri and no other to get involved with this with! 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