In A Walk on the Wild Side, Hayley attends the Strix Gala with Elijah as his date. Since she was a chronic runaway, days passed before she was reported missing. The Hollow tells her she's too strong and Hope will give up soon, so the Hollow will have a chance to be in complete control of Hope's body. Hayley tells Klaus that Elijah isn't answering his phone. She does a spell which will mark Esther in order for her to be identified when she jumps bodies. At times she is shown to value her friends but on the other hand, with only a small amount of remorse, is willing to sacrifice those friends to achieve her ends. Hayley then gets an idea that since Dahlia could only sense her when she's using magic, but the idea is very dangerous. At the Abattoir Hayley finds the Hollow, she uses her magic to make Hayley drop her knife and fall to the ground in pain. However Marcel tells her that it is easy for her to say because she is not sired by anyone. She tells Jackson that the pack is gathering for Aiden's funeral and he tells her that he can't live under Klaus' roof and be an Alpha, in which he gives her time to think as well. Hayley missed her daughter's first steps due to the Curse, and saw her baby walk for the first time in You Hung The Moon. Ansel refuses to let any werewolves die to save one, but tells her he'll hold them off while she takes Oliver. She gets in the middle of Elijah and Marcel's fight. He tells her he didn't. Hayley would rather give birth in a hospital with the aid of drugs, but Eve reassures her that werewolves have been giving birth in the Bayou since before she was born. Klaus arrives and tries to intervene but the witches pin him to the wall using their powers. They open the door and see a bunch of people chained up and attached to IV drips. Hayley is a strikingly gorgeous female hybrid with light olive skin, hazel green eyes, and dark brown hair. As their suggestions don't work and Cami dies from the bite, Hayley is sitting around a candle-lit table with Freya and Hope on her lap. He figured out who she was after the party she had thrown for the werewolves in Crescent City. Klaus wants to leave. She has also expressed a desire to raise the child alongside Klaus. After Klaus calls Hayley about Hope feeling dizzy, she tells him that she's never been sick and Freya tells her it's a magical affliction. It gives time to Hayley to escape and she is found by Elijah with whom she confronts Klaus about what Tyler said. As another werewolf, Hayley earned Tyler's trust and helped him turn over and over again until he finally broke the sire bond. After she finds some new clothes Hayley and Elijah talk. Hayley admits that when those vampires attacked her, she realized that she wasn't only fighting for herself, that after she didn't have a real upbringing with her adoptive parents, she doesn't want the same for her child and wouldn't let anybody hurt it. While he teaches her how to use her new hybrid senses they talk about Hope and how much they miss her. She tells Marcel that families fight for each other and nothing will stop that. Hayley agrees and goes to talk to Hope about the plan. Hayley agrees and she tells him to stay at the Bayou, while she goes looking for Marcel. He says he trusts her, but he doesn't trust Jackson. Freya says to Hayley and Klaus that she felt him but all she felt was pain and suffering. In An Unblinking Death, Hayley is doing some breathing exercises with Eve. In season four, Hayley and the Mikaelson siblings are working together to save Klaus from Marcel's torment. After Klaus explains why he is hosting the party, Hayley tells him that Hope is with Mary and she is trying to find Freya to ask her for a favor. Jackson tells her they have to protect each other. Hayley and Freya see in a flashback Richard Xavier Dumas killing Hayley's parents while baby Hayley screams and cries. She discovered her pregnancy in New Orleans and because of her pregnancy she was used by the Deveraux sisters to build an alliance with the Original Family. Hayley gets off the phone from Mary who is at her apartment wanting to talk to her. The Hollow, back in her spirit form, destroys the pendant once and for all, and tells them that Hope now belongs to her. On occasions, such as the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, she chose to dress up in a more formal style. In return, Shane gives her a flash drive with information about her parents, informing her that they are dead but reassuring her that she can see them again. When she puts an infliction spell on both her and Klaus, he puts his claws into her thigh and Eva jumps out the window, and both Klaus and Hayley check on Hope. Hayley left a voicemail for Elijah and told him she no longer wanted her daughter to be a Mikaelson. There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True, Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found,,, The Vampire Diaries Season Four Characters, Little Wolf, Love, Wolf Girl, Sweetheart, Queen, One Night Stand, Lady Werewolf Friend, Wolf Girl, Baby Mama, Mom Wolf, Pregnant Lady, Mumzy, Set up 12 of Klaus' hybrids to be massacred, Kol and Hayley (Family through Hope/Former Allies). Camille gives Freya a box with the antidote to Freya's poison. In Farewell to Storyville, Hayley was visited by Rebekah to say goodbye and told her that even though Klaus is a monster and broken, her little girl will be Klaus' only hope for happiness and she would be surrounded by enemies their family made so Hayley will have to be careful. Hayley attempts to translate it on Google, but doesn't find anything. When she is seen at the end of the episode she is looking for Elijah in the crowd, but Elijah doesn't show himself to him, because Rebekah blamed him for his feelings for Hayley. In order to save the pack, Haley makes the decision to get engaged to Jackson, despite her feelings for Elijah. He tells her that his family are all monsters and they've committed countless crimes in their past and present. Caroline and Klaus see Hayley and Tyler arrive, which seems to upset Caroline. Hayley back at the Abattoir and meets with Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah. Freya has a plan and tells Hayley, Marcel and Stefan to go and save Klaus and Elijah. Hayley recovers from her snapped neck and she arrives just in time to save Jackson. She says her goodbyes to Hope and tells her she will be back soon. She tells them that if Elijah is going to die she can place his soul in her talisman. He tells her they lost Jerick, and that what Aiden did by keeping them scattered was a smart plan. And Hayley tells him he's safer at the Abattoir. Hayley tells them it's a safe place for now and they must hurry so no one can find where they are. He then says to take care of her and leaves. It was also to bring the series to its conclusion and shake things up a bit. Freya tells them that she will need some materials, and Hayley and Jackson go out to get it. He pumps them with wolfsbane and decides to get revenge for when she tortured him. Hayley assassins Kara Nguyen and kills 11 other witches as result of being witnesses. She gets to hold the baby for a few moments before her throat is slit by Monique. I have a werewolf temper to go with my new appetite. As the keep sparring, Hayley tells him about how she wants to rip everything apart and is worried about it. Freya tells Hayley and Klaus that Hope's blood can be used as a weapon against The Hollow. During the consultation Hayley learns that her daughter is healthy and Hayley notices that she knew it and that her daughter is already like her. She was transported to The Other Side where Mikael tries to kill her and her child but she managed to defeat him (more for her daughter than for herself) as Genevieve succeeded to bring her back. Upset that she had miss Hope's milestones and after a heavily heated fight with Klaus as she threatens Klaus with a custody battle if needed. Elijah goes to talk to her and expresses his disappointment in Hayley. Oliver suggests that vampires are responsible for this. Vincent tells her, Elijah, Freya, and Marcel it's too late, that Hope is now controlled the Hollow. As Cami distracts Aurora, Hayley comes up to the apartment and tackles her, plunging her hand in Aurora's chest while Aurora does the same to her. In Season Two, Hayley goes on a rampage against those for making her give up Hope. As Jackson gains the upper hand he begins to choke her, as he is choking her Jackson turns into Elijah. Hayley attacks Finn and while she gets the upper hand at first, he telekinetically throws her down the aisle and tries to extract her heart from her chest. Freya tells her not to long so they must hurry to come up with another plan. She talks to Freya about Keelin and tells her she likes her. They go inside to see Hope sleeping, she asks Klaus if he wants her to wake up Hope. Elijah rediscovers himself as a vampire and meets another vampire woman along the way. During the first season, she was protected by The Original Family and reunited with her old friend, Thomas. However, Elijah is forced to go into a magical slumber for five years until Hayley is able to find a cure for the Mikaelson family. Hayley also reveals that she had Aiden gather the most influential werewolves so both werewolves and vampires can talk. Hayley had been on her own since then, occasionally joining up with wolf packs but never staying anywhere for too long. Elijah gets Klaus to talk to her. In I Hear You Knocking, she and Elijah go to the Bayou to visit Mary. After many attempts for them to have their first kiss, when Hayley was about to die because Mikael's threat, Elijah was very afraid of losing her and he decided to open up to her about what he felt, after hearing Elijah's words, Hayley decides to take the first step and kiss him. Hayley arrives at Kayla's trailer and embraces her, telling her since there's not much of a pack left, she might need someone to talk to. After Klaus leaves, Hayley says instead of going after her, she'll go after the things she loves. Once Elijah and Hayley are reunited, she slaps him and tells him not to make promises he can't keep. Hayley left her mother's Starke home shortly after her 16th birthday on Feb. 11, 2003, and headed to the home of her father, Glenn Marshall. Hayley tells him not to worry. After going through her heirlooms, Hayley picks up a teddy bear. Hayley is confused and she says they can't run from their home. Jackson comes from the same werewolf clan as Hayley. Hayley keeps up the ruse that there is something romantic going on between her and Tyler by sensually wiping alcohol from Tyler's lip, knowing Klaus is witnessing it. When night falls, she looks at the coffins holding the siblings and gives a finger kiss to Elijah. Elijah arrived, stabbing him in the back with a large piece of wood. Overview (2) Mini Bio (1) Hayley Marshall was born on August 15, 1985 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. She tells Elijah she did terrible things to find her family and when she finally did, they were already dead. Hayley realizing it's not Jackson fights back. Hayley is in her room packing and Elijah goes in the room to talk to her. In Tangled Up In Blue, Hayley asks Klaus and Rebekah what is the plan to overtake Marcel. He tells her Elijah should have told her how beautiful she looks instead of discussing the future of the city. Jackson formulates a plan and makes Hayley choose between him and the Mikaelsons, Hayley chooses him and Hayley and Jackson try to run away with Hope to keep her safe from Dahlia. Before a fight erupts, Oliver tells them not to and he says that he is guilty, he never lost what he was fighting for. Hayley is at times immature, impulsive and tends to speak before she thinks, which can get her into trouble. Hayley eventually wakes up and demands to know where Hope went. It's complicated. So she is gonna get some help and some more info on it. She receives a call from Rebekah and is told by her to make her brother's sacrifice count. Freya finds Hayley and wants to talk, but Hayley interrupts her. He eventually tries to make a deal with her; protection from Katherine, in exchange for information about Katherine's whereabouts and activities but Hayley remains coy throughout their exchanges. Hayley brings Lucien back to The Compound and gives him some blood. In Bloodletting, it's revealed that it is Tyler who kidnapped Hayley because one of his witch acquaintance's nightmare about the baby and because he wants revenge. Hayley tells her this place is where the pack would go to accept what they've done and honor the dead in order to move on. Klaus says he thought Hayley and Elijah were together the night before. Jackson tells her that New Orleans was their city until the vampires took it from them and if their families would have been together they would have won the city back. As Freya and Klaus are arguing, Hayley tells Klaus to back off for snapping at Freya and tells him to take a breather and to get some air. All Hayley wants is for her daughter to have a family that puts her first, and Hayley reminds Klaus that he should want that too. She tells them it's their choice if they want to keep the rings and be a slave, or be a part of a pack. This almost costs her when she faces Finn, and she only survives thanks to the intervention of Jackson. When Freya tells them she needs more time to see if Elijah's soul is in there, they all of them break down in tears. In Heart Shaped Box, Hayley is at the park visiting the heart of her former husband which she had planted under a tree when Klaus approaches her for help training Camille. During his interrogation of her, they eventually have sex and Klaus alludes to knowing something about Hayley's family when he notices a peculiar birthmark on her back. She breaks free from her chains and tries to figure out a way to get out of there. In the second season, Hayley has a bloodlust and wants revenge on those who made her give her baby up. She then flees herself. She and Cami then begin their walk towards the penthouse and tells Cami that she can control her emotions, which means she's already one step ahead of Aurora. While Klaus goes to find Agnes, Elijah manages to keep her temperature down by holding her against him in the swimming pool as Sophie makes a potion and gives it to Hayley until Davina unlinks them and the effects of the needle cease, saving Hayley of losing her child. When she tells him that they have a way to keep Hope from doing magic and that Jackson will protect them, she tells Elijah to buy them some time. She and Gia are in the nursery and Hayley asks why she's there. He follows her advice, but Kimberley retaliates by kidnapping and torturing Caroline. At the end of the episode she is back the Abattoir with Elijah and seems worried about him who is very angry after his siblings go missing. Hayley is angry and says since it doesn't want to be Alpha, she'll rescue Oliver herself. Hayley returns back to her apartment, Mary tells her that she is risking her life every time she is in a fight with the Mikaelson's. After the attacks are over, Hayley tells him that the attacks are just going to get worse and they need to get married as soon as possible. However during a vampire attack she realized that she will never let anyone hurt her baby and will always protect her child, what she did numerous times (fighting against witches and Tyler Lockwood to protect her baby). In Live and Let Die, Hayley walks in a room where Elijah is and tells him that everyone in the compound has supernatural hearing, which makes Elijah tell her off and she tells him Klaus left a while ago. Elijah tells her that Jackson and the rest of the wolves will need her help. She tells him that she has always loved Elijah, but since Jackson's death, she is constantly reminded of him, and out of respect to him, she has decided to let Elijah go. When Dahlia tells her that they should be saying their last goodbyes and Hayley rocks and kisses Hope to calm her down, while still glaring at Dahlia until she leaves. She also seeked . When she has both she will let Keelin go. Hayley goes to her room and puts a photo of her and her dad on a nightstand. In The Brothers That Care Forgot, Hayley, Jackson and Aiden are outside Jackson's trailer and they're discussing how the wolves are freaking out and that they need to get the rest of the werewolves with rings to their side. She asks him why he is throwing a fake party in honor of Marcel. She then tells Marcel the city is his and she hopes it will finally bring him peace. Hayley closes a truck with the coffins of the Mikaelson Family. Hayley tells the truth and snarls she was getting poison to put their child out of its misery. Hayley was also able to stagger Klaus with her attacks more than Marcel could, a vampire of two centuries; though still no match for Klaus or any other Original, who all easily exceeds her powers and skills as shown in Fire with Fire. Hayley eventually comes across the red door again, and though reluctant, she goes inside. Hayley takes off Hope's magical bracelet. As a baby, she was betrothed to Jackson, the heir of the second family of royalty in order to unite the two bloodlines which had grown apart due to in-fighting. Hayley orignially had the typical weaknesses of a non-Evolved werewolf until she completed her transition into a non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrid. She continues to look at her baby album then Klaus walks in. BH098 2 yr. ago They freaking destroyed her character in 5x06. She wants the bone to finish what she started. In Gonna Set Your Flag On Fire, Hayley meets up with Jackson and he tells her they have to go by the book to make sure the unification ceremony goes well. Hayley is shocked, saddened and horrified. She meets Jackson, the wolf who has been watching her and protecting her. Which surprises and shocks both Klaus and Hayley. Jackson says they're going to meet a Crescent elder who's going to do the wedding with them. Back at the Bayou Hayley tells Jackson that she agrees with his plan. She and Jackson arrive at Mary's home and she welcomes them inside. When Hayley, Jackson and a few other werewolves are sitting at a campfire she feels her baby kick for the first time on screen. Hayley Marshall's death came as a shock to many viewers, but showrunners planned it quite some time ago. She states that she doesn't feel any better. She almost makes it back to Hope, but Elijah finds her and ambushes her, fighting for her life again. However, Mary tells her that this isn't her fight. Hope says no, she is scared, she doesn't want the Hollow to hurt Hayley. Vincent says that Elijah needs to die so they can try and kill the hollow. When the vampires come for Henry in retribution for Poppy's death, she tells them that they'll be throwing away seven years of peace. Rebekah pulls him off her and tells him straight that he says he doesn't care, then the moment anyone thinks of harming the child, he clearly does. Hayley tells Keelin if she wants to survive she will do everything Hayley tells her to do. 2/12/2019. She kills a number of werewolves but she lets Oliver live. Hayley eventually married Jackson Kenner. Rebekah is about to tear out Hayley's heart, but Klaus stops her. She asks him if he's worried about Marcel and he tells her he can suffer. She emphasizes that she doesn't want Tyler to have anything to do with whatever they are planning. She finally pulls the knife out, Hayley asks him why is he doing this to her. He threatens her that if the wolves are not fighting on his side, he will kill them. She and Jackson are waiting for Aiden to arrive, but he never shows, but Marcel does and tells them that the club is safest in town right now. Decades later, Hayley sacrificed her life to save her daughter and found peace after her death. Hayley then tells Cami more of the plan and that Aiden will lure Finn to the altar, while Hayley will jump on him and put the shackles on him. Hayley talks with Klaus and she tells him that she's sorry for what he went through. Once Klaus is gone, Hayley, Tyler and Caroline smile at one another, and Caroline thanks Hayley for telling her that Klaus was there. They arrive a clearing in the woods and there are several personal items everywhere. Hayley tells Stefan its time and Stefan rips the healing paste to draw Rayna Cruz to them. After convincing from Hayley, Marcel listens as he wants vengeance against what Finn did to his vampires. Klaus turns to Hayley and tells her to get Elijah to charm Josephine into calling off the witch hunt, to which Hayley says she should be there to protect Hope. Hayley finds the vampires chasing her and Keelin and rips the hearts out of some. Hayley is doing it for Hope while Stefan is doing it for Caroline. They help out the werewolves and they talk to the last one to see what he can reveal. Ansel tells her even though he has no love for vampires, he won't let a fellow wolf be killed by witches, he will help her. Hayley and Cami spare but Cami only manages to get in one good punch before the sisters show up and knock her out while attempting to remove Hayley's heart but are knocked out by Kol and Davina. They try to beg Davina for Klaus' life, but she disagrees. All she needs from him is to get her daughter back. Hayley tries to talk to Hope, knowing her daughter is trying to fight and resurface. When he comes to the realization of what he was a part of, unknowingly, it's a pretty seminal moment in the series and a pretty amazing acting moment on screen. Hayley reaches the coven house and kills the guards. Hayley ready to get out of the city with Jackson and Hope, and they leave the nursery soon after. He cryptically tells her that its far from over and that they are just the beginning. At the end of the consultation Hayley hears a wolf and understands that Agnes leads an ambush against her. Later, they become enemies when Tyler tries to take her life and her then-unborn daughter's life away from each other. Two weeks later, Hayley, who had been feeling ill, left and never returned. Hayley was transformed into a hybrid by her daughter's blood. Hayley reveals she invited Josh to the funeral and after he says his goodbyes to Aiden, she gives Josh a hug. After the harvest fails she is walking with Elijah and asks for his forgiveness and they almost kiss, but Elijah breaks away and leaves. Back at The Abattoir Hayley talks with Elijah, she asks Elijah if Vincent hadn't found another way to save the kids. At first, she was against it and wanted to follow Elijah's treaty. She then starts the engine and leaves the city limits, looking to find a way to save the siblings. In Always and Forever, Sophie tells Elijah about Hayley and her pregnancy, and she has her coven bring her out to Elijah. Towards the end of her pregnancy, she wears a lot of dresses. After he is done feeding. In You Hung the Moon, Hayley agrees to what Davina her to do, but without issuing a threat to the witch. After Rebekah and Klaus argue over Klaus' "friendship" with Marcel and Elijah's sudden disappearance, Hayley is seen sitting upon the stairs, seemingly watching and listening to the two siblings arguing. Marcel arrived and told Hayley who he was, prompting Marcel to call Elijah for advice. Klaus saved her and they became allies, and they slept together once on a drunken whim. In For the Next Millennium, she's only seen at the end of the episode magically lured to Lafayette Cemetery by Davina who needs a favor. Worried about changing the plan, Hayley texts Shane about having problems, but he merely tells her to fix it. He tells her he got the gene from his dad and asks her about her parents. The Hollow continues to use her magic on Hayley throwing her against a door, she then takes a large piece of wood and impales Hayley with it, temporarily killing her. She then traveled the country, met and began to work with Atticus Shane, who promised her a reunion with her late parents. Hayley is angry at Elijah that he defended Klaus, but he tells her he was defending Hope. Rebekah tells her the purpose of the coffins and the daggers and Hayley seems shocked to find out he keeps a coffin on stand-by for Rebekah in case she "disappoints" him. Hope comes and saves her dad, shocking both Elijah and Hayley. When he tries to tell Hayley that the Strix will consider this an act of war, she gets more furious and tells him that she wants to do right by Jackson, and then storms off. They continue to talk about all of the sacrifices he made for her and for the Mikaelson family. In Bag of Cobras, Hayley walks into the Abattoir where she sees men setting up for a party. Katie gives her the herb, refuses the money and tells her she is doing the right thing. Their parents knew each other while growing up. Katie is shocked that she wants wolfsbane and asks if she is going to poison a wolf. As Hayley and Freya talk. Once she showed up at Tyler's house, Klaus immediately suspected Tyler's secrecy about Hayley was born of him cheating on Caroline with her. At the feast a group of men appears, they bring a message from Marcel and they cut their wrist. Hope agrees and Hayley pokes her finger with a needle. She is the first female character to get married on-screen. Hayley Marshall Height, Weight & Measurements At 37 years old, Hayley Marshall height is 5' 2" (1.57 m) . Elijah intervenes and is about to kill Oliver when Hayley steps in and says that he should go ahead and kill Oliver. Hayley is currently grieving Jackson's loss both as a husband and as a friend. When Hayley tells Elijah and Klaus that they're going to the Bayou, they argue and Hayley tells him that she's not his prisoner. Later at the party Diego and Oliver fight. She tells him that he's not alone and they then kiss. They try to come up with their own to save Elijah. After this, Tyler is forced to leave New Orleans and the two never speak again. Elijah tells Josephine that they will defend the witches, Josephine refuses him and Hayley tells her off. Hayley agrees and goes to Cami's apartment to collect her they have a short conversation before Hayley tells her she's going to train her. In Alone with Everybody, she walks out of a gas station with a bag full of supplies and tells Klaus they need to blend in. When he tells her that they kept giving the vampire werewolf venom over and over again, until the last shot was so powerful it killed her. Later on, Hayley finds Jackson and Oliver talking but they stop as soon as they see her. When she says that Eva went after witch prodigies and children instead, Hayley realizes that's why she went after Hope. I don't feel peace i don't feel anything! Rebekah warns her she should've left the moment Elijah disappeared and Hayley responds that she can't as she isn't able to leave New Orleans due to the spell binding her to Sophie. The werewolves decided to bring the to crescent clans back together by their marriage. The bond she built with hope and klaus in the final 2 seasons was what made the pain of her loss so tangible for me. In Exquisite Corpse, she hears the commotion of Eva taking over her body from Rebekah and goes to the nursery. She tells them about the unification ceremony and if she and Jackson get married, they all would inherit her abilities and not have to use the rings anymore. After Chris' death, Hayley is passed out the next morning next to Tyler on a sofa; they had clearly spent the entire night drinking in honor of Chris. Hayley Marshall died in a heroic and self-sacrificial fashion in an attempt to save the life of her daughter, Hope. She tells them Vincent told her everything and if this plan is really going to happen. Hayley said that Rebekah can always come back to visit her niece and herself and that they will all hide that from Klaus. He took her, protecting her (following his rules about kids). However before Davina could, Agnes injects Sophie with the Needle of Sorrows, which will kill Hayley's child in utero by raising her temperature. She shows herself with power and will be trying to find out who she is now. Hayley now at the clutches of The Hollow, has her tied to a chair. She is happy when Rebekah revives an ancient Mikaelson tradition, as it will be Hope's first bonfire season. Hayley died with her baby's blood in her system and now she is transitioning into a hybrid, but she will have to feed on her baby's blood in order to survive. Elijah arrives in the Bayou and before getting into a more serious fight with Jackson, he tells Hayley he needs a vial of Hope's blood and she tells him that she's trusting him. Hayley calls Klaus and tells him that something has happened to Elijah since he was to be a decoy and has vanished. When Jackson arrives at the compound, furious about Aiden's death, which Dahlia made it look like as if Klaus did it. After Klaus takes the blame, the wolves and Hayley try to attack him, Klaus punches Hayley in the stomach and Elijah stops Jackson from doing anything else. She is also a very protective mother; it is especially shown in the scene where she kills Genevieve, because she tried to kill her daughter, Hope Mikaelson. He then questioned Shen on what he knew, compelling the answers out of him. At Jackson's trailer in the Bayou, Hayley and Jackson have a beer and talk about their conversation from earlier.
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