Try looking up "Phantosmia" to help you with what you are dealing with, because I am not clinically trained to deal with anything. Keep an eye on it. Nursing State Senator Sparks Outrage, Says Nurses "Play Cards . There is currently no cure, but an anti-inflammatory diet might help. I look forward to your reply! unusual tiredness or weakness. People look at me funny because it sounds so [silly] sometimes. I taste it in my foods even. Its freezing outside and the other girls have an extra heater next to them and here I am dying with a fan on me! Christina K. As a 27-year-old woman [with] both fibromyalgia and endometriosis I often suffer from really bad hot flashes. It's one of the ways that expert sniffers or people that judge scents separate one scent from another. I agonized over my decision to take action, but I finally had no choice. I once had an ashtma attack from it. Hi, i also have episodes when i smell cigarette smoke or nail varnish remover when theres none around. This can be both unpleasant and worrisome, but generally improves quickly once you are recovering from the bladder infection. As well as the burning I could smell a car start 2 streets away or a ladies perfume on the other side of the road. However, the pain associated with fibromyalgia tends to fluctuate and worsen. . I am just now understanding how that relates to stress and anxiety disorder. I also smell wood stove Smoke and taste it. Could the congestion you're having correspond with the stopping of your antidepressant? I've been dealing with this on and off for the past 10 to 12 years. It's nuts. Smelling burnt things is common, as is rotten or disgusting, or otherwise unpleasant, smells when experiencing this kind of Hallucination. My sense of smell is poor, before was very good and extremely sensitive, i'm over it. I start to walk funny and it becomes very difficult to open doors, bend over etc. I always work through every problem, i'm my own problem solver usually and that has got me through life, but this it rules my life when it comes on. As a 23-year-old, people my own age can get annoyed by my needing to stop, and I will sometimes get questioning stares from older people or comments like youre too young to have those pains. I usually try to push myself as much as possible, but that only makes the pain worse when I finally do cave and take a break. Shelby C. The red rash I get on my neck from thin air. Thank goodness it has now been fixed, but even last night I went to the bathroom and thought, oh no I can smell the fire, came down and I hadn't closed the door of the woodburner properly and it was burning too hot which was causing it to smell, I shut it down and this morning it was fine, so relieved. Good luck! As soon as i take a couple of breaths and breath out side of it, the smell is goneanother thing the Dr's can't explain..but it works.! Breathing in my t-shirt. Throwing open window to let sun in in AMnot for me. I can't identify any lifestyle, work, leisure, activity etc. Todays workers can expect to be taken seriously should they be affected by MCS. I have'nt been eating any of those vegs.lately. I am wondering if your situation is being caused by the same sort of thing. You have good intentions of eating healthy but be careful not to overdo it. Learn more about the best exercises for fibromyalgia here. Same problem with cooking.guessing at spices and needing someone to test-taste. You are destined to turn out to be very watchful about the scents and cause you to grow into exceptionally sensitive over nothing. Also, if you are on an extremely low carbohydrate diet, that can cause what is called ketosis and that causes the urine to have a strong odor, too. Radiologist recommended a further MRI with blood tests. Just wondered how things are now for you. You may have been over exposed in this way or to some other chemical. I have been tested for brain tumor,sinus infection,h pylori infection, and several other issues I can't recall. Started a few weeks ago. I know this is a year later but I firmly believe it has to do with anxiety I have a rancid smell everything food beauty products everything smells rancid I think it is because of stress have you found relief? . I have a cyst. Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS), is a painful and sometimes debilitating condition that affects the muscles, soft tissues and joints. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. No! These signals don't come in words; they come in the form of organic molecules and complex interplays between them. People with MCS have reactions to chemicals, not smells. irritability, or feeling low or weepy. While techniques such as meditation or deep breathing may help manage stress, it is important that people with fibromyalgia do not avoid physical activity altogether. I noticed when I chewed nicorette gum. Doesn't look too good whilst dining in a restaurant though LOL.!! Just typing this has taken me 15 minutes because Ive had to go back and rewrite words that were severely misspelled or made no sense. Marissa E. I mix up words and it comes out so weird! Although I told my GP & a specialist nothing has ever been resolved as to why this is occurring & while it's improved a little it still affects me quite a lot. Have you been able to find out anything? I don't smell the fancy perfume my wife wears either? Although theres no reason to feel ashamed of any symptoms or side effects you experience, it can still be embarrassing when brain fog causes you to forget what you were saying in the middle of an important work meeting, or a sudden burst of pain makes you drop the dishes you were putting away in the kitchen. I told him it was hypersensery overload. Urine Smell and Diet. Never smoked in my life but my parents did and grew up in the 70's and 80's where every one smoked in public night clubs etc. However, medication and lifestyle changes can help treat fibromyalgia and reduce the likelihood of flares. In open in closed room, on the train and in the car. They did an MRI scan and found the cold had left all6 sinuses blocked which contain smell receptors! Functional incontinence - This is normal bladder control but the person just cannot get to the bathroom in time as the result of illness or age. Hope someone comes up with a cure for this as it's driving me mad. Activities that may help people with fibromyalgia include walking, biking, swimming, and water aerobics. All rights reserved. The opinions expressed in this column are not those ofFibromyalgia News Today, or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining tofibromyalgia. Every once in a while at night I used to smell sweet vanilla scent and I would ask anyone else if they did too? calicuddlebunny 1 yr. ago thank you, but gabapentin is not a sulfa drug. PS..the hotter it has got, the less the smell for some reason? You're taking a sulfa drug so that means your urine does become more concentrated. It is still there. I am having the same problem except everything I smell is Rancid. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Methods: The diagnosis of fibromyalgia was made according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria. There are several different odors which I cannot really compare or describe but they are all "Putrid" and make me feel sick. Copyright 2013-2023 All rights reserved. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. I'm glad/sorry to know I'm not alone and that I am indeed not crazy. You're not alone in this. The exact cause of fibromyalgia is unknown. Urinary urgency is another symptom that is very common among patients with fibromyalgia. I often felt anxious and quite woozy. SO glad to hear Im not the only one, and that this is an actual thing! It will come on very mildly, then get heavier and really badthen completely gone without a tracebut still never can smell anything else after it, it as if my scent part in my brain has stopped working? I cant shake it and I am embarrassed when I see people who knew me before. Leah M. Gastrointestinal issues. We are having a heat wave, a new record of over 35 degrees Celcius and it's the 6th day in Western Australia for December..oh how i wish to see snow like you do on the Xmas cards for Xmas some time.!! Maybe it's like my dad said going insane. Polyps are smaller. My husband thought I was being funny. Around two percent of the overall population of the United States suffers from fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition that causes pain and tenderness throughout the body. I'm waiting to have these. I have severe migraines but I suffered from a concussion 2 years ago, but I noticed over the past 6 months the smell of damp cigarettes or old ashtrays or tobacco, first it was mainly at work. but what stood out for me was the cough and clearing your throat..this is happening to me too! now. And don't worry, the vinegar smell will go away too once it dries up. I'm in Perth Western Australia, cheers..! Your right it doesn't help anyone to look to far into it and causing oneself worry. Fibromyalgia symptoms like numbness, tingling, and pain can be tied to your environment. So I opened another tab and checked out any concerns around burning charcoal and incense. I also read somewhere that doing a nasal flush may relieve the congestion i have been suffering with when all this started. I later started to have the same dizziness in a doctors office and I noticed it would improve with open doors. That did help with lots of aches and joint pain. I too have Fibromyalgia and Asthma. Urinary frequency and abdominal bloating is quite common amongst fibromyalgia patients, particularly women. There is treatment for this. Treatment plans will often combine medication and lifestyle changes. It serves me right because I went overboard 10 days ago and the smell of burning started. Its caused me to have accidents. Morgan V. I can actually pee every 15 minutes. I also started a new medication and vitamins around the same time as smelling this smell. I had an excellent sense of smell for ages [even as an ex-smoker] and from one day to the next, it came on. In restaurants, movie theaters, public transportation and the like, I change seats whenever I need to and dont feel the least bit rude in doing so. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional. I know this because in the past 6 weeks, I have been in 3 different countries (business travel), in a variety of hotels, and in my house and my mother's house. I have had the very same problems after a cold last spring, and am still hopeful that it will improve. It doesnt keep me awake at night but its right there to meet me in the mornings. To the uninitiated, it seems impossible that an odor could cause physical symptoms, such as headache, nausea, fatigue, confusion, and dizziness especially when the odor isnt even a particularly unpleasant one. sounds like multi chemical's a reaction to cumulative enviornmental chemical toxins. Urinary urgency prevents many people with fibromyalgia from leaving the security of their own homes, because it can occur out of the blue. Could be looking right at something and not be able to recall what its called. urine smell cactusflower1963 posted: Many months ago, maybe last year, I know we had a discussion about urine smell and how some of ours has a strong or offensive odor that lingers. I am now wondering if it is psychological, it is choking me, my eyes water, I sneeze, and cough. Each pack contains 30 gummies designed to last you between 2 weeks and a month, depending on your preferred daily dosage. working as expected?). Hi there yeah I get that I am hypersensitive to just about most things, smell usually cripples my breathing making me reach for my inhaler. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Unfortunately, strong odors are not limited to the workplace. Its like a horror movie that never goes away. It's not nobody else smells it. It is not the smell per se, it is the chemicals that are causing MCS, etc. I was sure I was the only one to have this problem. It is frequently found in people with fibromyalgia. Then boom, a day, week. My mum took her life on pain killers and alcohol in the 80's, so that's why i'm against them. Sleep disorders come in . This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. I buy only organic or fragrance-free grooming and cleaning products. I have currently within the last 2 months have changed antidepressants..and I notice it way worse since I have done this! Sorry about this following descriptionbut i have no cold, no sniffles, but a huge load of snot just drained out of my nose [both nostrils - like i had a bad cold]. Alternative treatments such as acupuncture, massage, and aromatherapy may also help with relaxation and stress. She's had success with medication, but I'm not quite ready to try that yet. I dont pollute yours. The pain and/or fatigue is more than I can deal with some days and I have to cancel out on something I really wanted to do! Jan S. P. When there [are] too many people talking at once or too much noise my head goes into overdrive and I become so stressed like I could explode. First, hormonal changes can change the smell of your pee and cause you to pee more. Hope it helps but if not hope you get some help soon. Like just suddenly and out of nowhere, my bladder cramps and I have to go immediately. I have been wondering if it might be an internal candida (fungal) infection or bad bacteria bloom due to drinking too much soda lately. The smell came back about a month later and I went to my GP. I can smell some things when I exhale intensively with my nose, but it is miserable compared to what I had previously. I have washed with Dawn Dish soap, bleach, peroxide, antibacterial soaps, been spraying deodorants on my hands, caring around fabric softener sheets to keep rubbing my hands. More information 7 Reasons Your Urine Smells Funny More like this Fibromyalgia Syndrome Fibromyalgia Pain Chronic Migraines Nobody else can smell the smell when I ask them, I can still smell/taste normally and I am male 49 and live in Scotland. I have the answers!!! Fibromyalgia Syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Abdominal Discomfort Abdominal Pain Home Remedies For Uti Pee Smell Cognitive Problems Urine Smells Cystitis More information . Symptoms of Fibromyalgia. I liken the smell to burning rubber spatula. I am sorry but I don't suffer with anything like this. but like you I don't seem able to stop it or know what triggers it either. I want to enjoy yet my body refuses and others see me as a killjoy or just too fussy. Vee Vee Y. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. My eyes watered, my nose ran. Its kind of embarrassing. Krystina K. F. My balance. Please feel free to join so that we can take this to the next level. I haven't eaten any of these roasted nuts for the past couple of days, and the smoky smell seems to have subsided. Trouble sleeping. When you smell of your own body it's bringing you back home.. lol.. it's your baseline for everyday. Even though the symptoms of fibro (as well as some side effects of medication) may be totally out of your control, it can still be challenging to grapple with the physical, emotional and cognitive effects fibro can cause. I am so sorry that you are going through this. I want to know what to do to make it go away, its nauseating. My defense is to avoid odors in every way possible. It's also called "fish odour syndrome". I hate Fibro!! God No.. this would be awful. The problem was that it was progressing every month. Note:Fibromyalgia News Todayis strictly a news and information website about the disease. 12 Symptoms can include: Headaches Chronic migraines Dizziness and vertigo Fainting (syncope) Sensitivity to temperature, humidity, and an atmospheric pressure Sensitivity to light (photophobia) 13 Sensitivity to noise (hyperacusis) I kept one at work, at home and in my car. If you are on facebook. This article discusses the symptoms of fibromyalgia flares, their causes, and how to manage them. PLEASE HELP ME, whoever can! The weirdest thing about all of this is what i'm about to tell you now.during this sensation of smelling these weird smells, when it gets un-bearable and tears are pouring out of my eyes, if i open the top of my T-shirt, bow down and put my face in there, the smell vanishes as soon as i breath inside the T-shirt. Pus and/or blood from the infection may also contribute to the strong smell. Whats worse is I work with children and the parents just look at me sometimes and I feel so [silly] not being able to get my thoughts across smoothly. I am highly sensitive to smells as they can trigger migraines for me, but to have it all the time must be hell, especially if it's smokey. My poor intolerance to heat, odors and smoke. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia for over 20 years, but I turned much worse about 3 years ago. I wonder if it does have something to do with it! I decided to sign up to share this because a lot of people like to burn incense on little charcoals. Too late. The 11 Most Common Candida Symptoms. When symptoms temporarily increase in number or intensity, it is called a flare or flare-up. My wife cant believe I can smell shampoo on her hair from across the room and I felt like choking when I use a room in which shed dosed herself with perfume. The smell is affected because your body is expelling chemicals into your urine. However, you can look it up yourself and talk with your doctor. They have no answers for me, no where else to take and sort out my problem, hence coming on a forum to ask anyone if there is anything new. I am new but just signed up as something came to light while reading this thread that may be the reason for causing the problem for some people (and internationally). I start to walk funny and it becomes very difficult to open doors, bend over etc. People look at me funny because it sounds so [silly] sometimes. The diagnosis: atypical migraine. Hi Jilly, thanks for taking the time to respond. my snozzle needs "descaling" and creaming to moisten it and cover any raw areas, I have no nasal secretions when I get a cold its weird, IF I go outside especially in winter; the cold air makes me cover my nose as I get enourmous smells from the air and around which make my nose tingle and smart and my eyes well up! I am so over it, it only started about two mths. Last winter I had a problem with my woodburner and inhaled a lot of very acrid smelling air and I became hypsensitive to the smell. People think youre lazy, but my legs literally want to give out! Meena N. I love being active and going places like the zoo or amusement parks with friends. Oh wow. Hi, i don't get the taste problem only the weird smelling sensation. My asthma has returned and broncials feel inflamed. Deep meditation: Might it change the gut microbiome to boost health? Ive been down with pain from arthritis and 2 weeks ago , i woke up to this dreadful smell. I will let you all know in a week or so how things are going. Otherwise I have been lucky enough not to have any further problems with smell. These may include, genetics, infections, and physical or emotional trauma. I haven't had a cold or the flu in years, maybe about 6 or so. Generally fibromyalgia urine smell quickly once you are destined to turn out to be seriously... Home.. lol.. it 's your baseline for everyday or nail varnish remover when theres none around is chemicals! To smell sweet vanilla scent and i notice it way worse since i have currently the... Expelling chemicals into your urine often combine medication and lifestyle changes can change the smell some. Navigate through the website also have episodes when i exhale intensively with my nose, but an anti-inflammatory diet help. The time to respond my body refuses and others see me as a killjoy just... Senator Sparks Outrage, Says Nurses & quot ; fish odour Syndrome & quot ; Play Cards before was good. 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