By the time I get home, half the evening is gone and my cat is hungry and I dont feel like doing anything. Mmm, Ive been exposed to a fair amount of crime (professionally, not as a perp or victim, thankfully). I also wasnt driving it was two hours on the train so I could relax, read, knit, sleep, whatever, and it didnt feel like completely lost time. We had to carpool (one care) and it was fine most of the time, but if something came up, the logistics got complicated. I hated it, was never home, had zero life, and didnt sleep that much, on top of having a highly stressful job that made me physically ill. Im in LA area and have decided to only use Waze if Ive feeling adventurous, have a full tank of gas, and my common sense has taken leave of me. I find driving FAR more stressful than the trains, and would probably take a one-hour train ride where I feel like my time is my own over dealing with NJ drivers for 20 minutes. That is 46 miles each way which took me 1 hour 45 mins on good days and 2 hours just about every single other day. I would have it written into some sort of contract, if not you will soon find once restrictions are lifted that will turn into well we could do with you coming in on a Tuesday too to oh well this meeting is always on a Wednesday and you need to be here in person for it and we arent rescheduling and before long you will be doing it every day. My current commute from the northwest corner of OC to the south Irvine area takes me 45 minutes and I think this is roughly standard for this general area. The only thing about the train is it takes forever to get anywhere so, kind of like your 2-hour commute, but without you having to steer :). This is interesting to hear! Ive decided that if I have to get a job any further away than about 30 mins, Im going to follow in his example and commute via motorcycle instead. Im glad to hear that youre going to leave, OP. Only you'll know but it really doesn't seem that bad. SO much better. Yikes. OC or LB for me! 30 miles is Pasadena to Santa Monica. For a while, my husband and I were both commuting in opposite directions from our house, each taking roughly an hour. Makes sense if you receive more benefit on the other 6 days of the week. She will never be able to afford to buy, and it looks as if Im now permanently out of King County. Good luck, OP! One parent leaves for work earlier so he or she can leave work early enough to pick up the kid. Salary. Yeah that is the thing for me. Try to beat the worst of the traffic and have a leisurely breakfast somewhere/go to the gym/nap in the office? For my next job I am trying very hard to not have to cross the river. It might not make the commute much shorter but at least you could relax and read a book. I am in Orange County and it takes me anywhere from 35 minutes to over an hour to drive 14 miles. It was horrible. im moving from just north of the city to queen anne in a few weeks, my 1+hr bus ride will turn into a 20 minute walk to work. According to that research, only about 2.5% of workers nationwide have 1-way commutes over 90 minutes. I rode the BL for a few years in the early aughts for school/work it was a little bad then but its getting worse. do I really need to send a thank-you note after being rejected for a job? I hate driving to his and he hates driving to mine. I dont love it, but I like where I live, I like that my method of commuting is relatively cheap (I could choose another method, but Id pay significantly more to do so), and I like that taking public transit allows me to do other things with my commute time. I usually commute by bike, which is about seven miles because of the path, and takes 45 minutes or so. Its one of those things you have to be okay with in your work-life, so if the OP needs a different job with a better commute, that makes total sense to me. I took it as commiseration :). Plus I saved so much money not driving and just listened to music and enjoyed my coffee. La Habra and Whittier are pretty far from the freeways. LA resident here, though Im a transplant from Chicago. It costs the community when you dont have the energy at the end of the day/week to get involved in groups or organizations that could have gained from your presence and contribution. Former Calli girl here. Generally, the vast majority of people on the subway are there to get from point A to point B, not to bother other each other or make mischief. But I assume I have fewer choices than you do I have kids, I have a job I wont leave, I have limited money and live in a crazy expensive area. I feel for you. So, yeah, something can be typical for a region, but that doesnt mean you have to leave the region to get a better commute. (Forgot to add, distance is just over 20 miles.). I did a 15 hour a week commute for 6 years, now OK that's probably on the high side of what you'd want to do but it was perfectly doable. To those commenters whove weighed in with advice to move closer to work: I think that people who have been in LA for a long time seriously underestimate how challenging this can be in the year 2018 for people who are new to the area and not making six figures or close to it, whether they own or rent. But yeah, two hours isnt unheard of for any of those cities. For us, itd would have been a lightly populated freeway with swift-moving cars. We used to live the next county over, and our commute was easily 45+ minutes (including daycare dropoff). Now, where I live (Alabama) my commute is like 10 minutes. Mine is about 10 minutes in the worst traffic, but that is because I live in a tiny little town. Bay Area commutes can be awful, too, depending on where youre going. From my house to my work is only 10 miles, but it can easily take an hour by car in rush hour. They also put out a book called the Book of the Year which was great. Now. Someone I knew moved to LA shortly after college and lived there for almost 15 years. Two hours each way is a totally normal commute for the Los Angeles area even before I left it a decade ago. Now Im not signing up for a 2 hour drive anytime soon, but I need a solid 20 minutes between my work world and my real world. Sure that day might suck but you have to do what you have to do. This seems not-that-abnormal based on things my southern CA based friends have said about their commutes. This is a self-imposed problem. Anytime train tickets An Anytime train ticket is a flexible ticket that allows you to travel at any time of the day. I still cant do pick up on a regular basis but my commute is about 30 minutes now and Im a much happier person. I think thats a good point. Born and raised in LA agreed that its super normal. Commute between one and another at your peril. Coming home is a lot worse. Early morning starts and late finishes, due to excessive travel, would've been so draining. One of my coworkers lives in Simi Valley and commutes to Pasadena daily. I ignored that rule in ex job and spent four years regretting it when I had a 90 minute commute each way that occasionally stretched to 2 hours (thank you and goodnight South Western railway). Definitely love the straight shot commute. I absolutely love the best of both worlds feel it gives me. Its also not healthy for ANYONE, even for those who supposedly dont mind it. My longest commute in the last 15 years was about 5 minutes. I dont think it necessarily was, though. Do you have a backup plan in case you are just too tired to drive home safely some night? . My sister drives even further, close to 60 miles, and her commute is about an hour. Even though its not far as the crow flies, I have to budget up to 90 minutes to get to work. I have a sister who lives in rural Washington state, and one morning while I was visiting, she warned that wed be stuck in traffic to go to the restaurant she had in mind. I ultimately made the decision, about a day after I sent the letter and sat in traffic for 2+ hours, to quit next week as my 3-month probation period is almost over, I have a scheduled review and I dont want to lead the company on. Oh, OP, I feel for you. Miss the bus, catch the one 10 minutes later, and have another 30-45 minutes added to the commute. Its all a tradeoff. Forgot the link! Just because our public transit options in the Bay Area are better than the ones in LA doesnt mean our public transit options are actually good, though! When I lived in DC it took me 50 minutes to drive 11 miles from Alexandria to downtown. The work hours and commute hours add up to 60 to 62.5 hours per week. This might sound crazy, but I would hate that! A bit longer than Id like, but far preferable than the hour-plus Id spend trying to get downtown. Before I got my own place I was temporarily living with a friend in Long Beach and commuting to Van Nuys. One more option Commuter Express buses! That turns an 8 hour workday into a 12 hour workday. Im on the east coast and one of my previous jobs was a minimum 45 min. I remember days it took over an hour of just sitting on Westlake to Mercer to the 5. I choose to live near my social life instead of near work, but its definitely rough. Ehhh, no, I think its valid for the boyfriend to point out that a 2-hour commute is often normal in LA and the surrounding areas. Short commutes on the east coast are for people who can afford to live close to work. The best commute I had was at my previous job, when I could go from desk to front door in 45 minutes practically unheard of here! I can also take work with me onto the subway and turn part of my commute into my workday, and I can telecommute a day or two a week. For example, I live on the Westside. I do think its possible that if you do some research before you relocate, you can find something 30 miles away that will give you a better commute time. Hey, fellow Washingtonians! I had to do a 50 mile 1 way commute during a couple of limited stints a little over a decade ago (both from my moms once was for a 6 month internship; the second time was for about 2 months when I was between housing in grad school), and those commutes ended up being 1-1.5 hours, depending on traffic. Before this, I lived in the large city I work in and my commute was about 45 minutes and a combination of walking and riding the subway. (And in fact, for a year, my husband and I rented a condo apartment 15 minutes away from work and while the commute was amazing, the living arrangements were just way too small.). The average commute [] For me it is just too much time to spend in a car every day, and OP at 2 hours each way even if everybody else is doing it I think you really have the right to feel that way too! From there, it's a simple matter to take your salary and factor in hard commuting costs, like gasoline (see a good guide here) - according to, " the average employee incurs an annual "commuting gas" cost of $1,483 per year. I didnt think anything could be worse than NYC traffic! I was born and raised just outside of Toronto and with the exception of a 3 year stint working in Los Angeles I have lived here my whole life. I still miss Shaw, but I figure once I graduate (! IN the city would probably mean lower income, with a few exceptions. I wouldnt be able to do it but they make it work for them. But its not close to Griffith Park at all. I couldnt handle that. My $5 raise from my nyc job is just gas money. is so funny (someone in the film thinks building freeways will make traffic jams a thing of the past). This entry was posted in Health & Wellbeing. What matters is youre miserable, so you should look elsewhere. my commute is between 6.5 and 9 miles depending on the route and takes at least 30 minutes. And what would be 3am traffic here in SD on the freeways. I will be living at home. Yep. I would rather drive than depend on public transportation, which doesnt save me any time at all either. Im sooo looking forward to it. And you probably dont want to be driving since the parking costs downtown are redonk. The 20 minute subway ride OP describes from Bushwick to Soho is only about 6-7 miles. An excellent point! Old job was against traffic, current one iskind of across it. Id love to know more about working/living there. It may be normal there, but it greatly informed my decision to move elsewhere after I graduated. The few times I drove in (a 45 minute drive without traffic), it was 1-1.5 hours each way. That's fine. When I lived in WA there were a LOT of horrible (white) drivers who, as my roommate put it all learned to how to drive in the sticks on a tractor and has no idea how to handle real cars on the almost traffic-free roads & freeways in the small town where I lived. Your commute time hasnt changed to worse from NYC to LA, your commute distance did. This post gave my traumatic flashbacks. Prosecutors say Fratta organized the murder-for . Good luck! Most of my friends live 25-30 miles north, so I see them on the weekends or evenings when I can do the drive sans traffic. I live in OC and my commute into downtown LA would take no more than an hour and a half (I did this for about a year not too long ago) so I dont know how you could live in LA and commute to LA and have it take 2. Maybe in the Friday Open Thread? I tell people the car I drive is not nearly nice enough to want to spend a significant portion of my life in it! This move added 15-20 minutes each way to our commutes, but it cut our rent in half and got us a bigger apartment. Barring any snow, crazy rain, etc. I want my time back! Theres no way I could do 2 hours. Can you carpool with anyone so that some days you can relax? I live in the SFV, two major freeways are short drives away. by car: 25 minutes. 30 miles in 2.5 hours. Or how a crowd moves at the end of a sporting event when every person is trying to get out of the stadium at the same time theres just nowhere to go. There are a lot of ways to answer the long commute question, its more about finding the right answer for your specific household than the one true Right Answer. Ive lived in the greater LA area my entire life traveling from the eastern edges of the county westward into LA and a 2-3 hour drive into the downtown area has always been the normal in my experience. I picked housing that was 15 miles away instead of the 30 miles away better areas that everyone else thought I should go to because I didnt want an hour commute so Ive been a little disappointed with the 45 minute days, honestly. That sound horrible. You have to move where the job is or its not feasible. Right? I would imagine most people decline to work that far away from home precisely because it isnt a sustainable commute, thus keeping the average commute lower. Its a trade-off. It was a contract job so it didnt make sense to move) and I hated every second of it. My home is only 31 miles away from my office, and my commute takes me 1.5 hours door to door on a good day (no railroad or subway issues). They never listen. Were trying to move up our moving plans by several months because of this. Id change jobs to avoid moresitting in traffic slays my zen. Unfortunately, if you want a shorter commute, you may have to move. From what I hear, though, thats probably normal for your area. my employee doesnt want to come to work when it snows. I could not commute an hour each way every day. My previous job was 45 minutes away still not bad, is it? While it wasnt the only straw to break the proverbial camels back at OldJob, going from a 20 minute commute to at least an hour and 10 minutes was hellish for me. Good luck! About 10 years ago, I lived in the Cleveland burbs and commuted about 1 hour to graduate school (which in that program was a full-time 5-day-a-week job). It would be one thing if they kept to themselves while riding the train (which is what most people do) but Ive seen them curse out other passengers for no reason. I didnt realize how bad it was until I started having 25 minute commutes at my next job and 10 minutes after that. Last year, I took a position where I had to commute from my parents house in Westchester to eastern LI (driving 63 miles each way). My husband and I both have different Costcos we prefer, which both take about the same amount of travel time. That's train, tube, walk and drive to the station. It looks like OP has already made the decision to quit. For some fellow locals, its a major stressor but it doesnt bother me much. My commute was anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hr 30 mins. Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures show 3.7 million workers travel for two hours or longer every weekday. I commuted from Huntington Beach to Burbank one timeit wasnt fun, but it was normal to me. Most of of commute by car during typical rush-hour traffic is that helps. Local transit (MUNI) is less reliable/more variable (although I loved being able to take AC Transits transbay busedbest commute, ever). This thread has really brought home for me that nobody would live in this deranged city if it werent for the weather :D. And it contributes to the insane housing prices. Blue line to red line, and then ride share or bus would also work. Before I moved to LA, [Official Local Representatives] swore to me that the traffic was exaggerated and every place was accessible by public transport. Well the freeway goes over the Columbiaunless they create a much taller bridge it has to be a drawbridge. I guess the silver lining is that The commute became too much for me seemed to be a commonly-given reason for leaving a position in Los Angeles, so hopefully interviews will accept that without question. The New Englanders are so so so jealous of your weather! Thats where I hope OP and her boyfriend will end up in the long term, but knowing whats normal in a region and what actually isnt is a useful bit of information. I live on the east coast, and the stories I hear about LA traffic are enough to make me want to stay on this side of the country forever. Im job hunting currently and potential commutes is a huge concern. Yeah, I honestly do not want to move into LA at all (I left NYC cause I was tired of the city struggle/high rents) and love where I live. The mitigating factor there was that I worked from home 2 days a week and had additional flexibility, otherwise it would have driven me insane. The average commute in the U.S. is 26 minutes, according to Census data. However, realistically, I might not get what I want. Big difference if you avoid the stop and go. East Coast here: I drive 24 miles each way in Fairfield Cty, CT during rush hour. You can see them broken down by metro area here and by county here. Enjoy! Anything over than 30mins by car would be a nope for me. My company is headquartered in Pasadena. These are my hard limits: Thats already happening. My husband has a couple co-workers who wanted to make their home-buying budget go further, so they bought homes and hour and a half from work, two or more hours on heavy days. Walking to work is the best. My commute at the previous job was 30 minutes or under (by car), but my work hours were at least 1 hour longer. ), have you considered Metrolink? That being said, my husband isnt from here and will not commute more than 30 min. Again, most of the time for that commute was in-town, close to campus and the rest of is was 45-55+ mph on state roads. Self driving cars might be able to do it though. Ive also taken the local Transbay bus into the city at other times. When I worked (and lived, lucky me) in Fremont CA, pretty much everyone else that I knew who worked there had a totally garbage commute because housing there is so ridiculous. Get my gun! So you can categorically say that your 2+ hour commute is not normal. Ill never go back to the stress of traffic jam commuting. The audiobook I am listening to right now is pretty good A Plague of Giants, the first book in Kevin Hearnes new high fantasy series. Thankfully I found something closer to home. :). 20 hours per week! Im really trying to do the same, as I had an hour-long commute in high school and it was rough. I now have two traffic lights that slow me down to 10 minutes. A little over an hour is by commuter rail. Good luck! It usually takes 45 minutes each way with me coming in and leaving early. Is there still that delicious lebanese restaurant and french bakery on 2nd? No, two hours *IS* pretty typicalwe are telling her that its not MANDATORY. Good luck with your job search! For 8 miles Im usually looking at 30 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening. I love driving but I hate commuting. The worst Ive had for a sustained period of time is 45 minutes. Yeah, seriously. I used to work 45 minutes away (office moved farther away) and had a 5:30 am 2 pm shift. Now THAT'S a bit much. I miss it. Oh, I miss that reverse traffic flow commute where it only took me 20 minutes to go 15 miles; verus the 45+ minutes now to go 12 miles. Its a reality and unsustainable. Yeah my other sister lives in Issaquah, and I hear the traffic is getting just as bad as it is where Im at now. Unfortunately, the OP chose to ignore the data that was given about the job. Totally my own fault, I know. Obviously youll have outliers, including the OP at the moment. for about a year i commuted an hour to work and i did get used to it but i wouldnt choose to go back to doing that. I had a long distance job and I was able to survive through it with carpooling. Check out Port of Los Angeles jobs international shipping companies might like your language skills. So I worked from home on Wednesdays and that meant that I got a break from the 4 hours in the car mid-week. Topping the list of metro areas with high rates of mega commuting are San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA (2.06%), New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-PA (1.90%), Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV (1.89%), Trenton-Ewing NJ Metropolitan Statistical Area (1.40%), and Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, CA (1.25%). We just moved to Atlanta a year ago, and when searching for a place to live, every time I found a possibility I plugged it into Google directions and set it to find the route from there to my and my partners workplaces at the times wed be driving. , catch the one 10 minutes later, and takes at least you could relax and read a book 10. To quit, due to excessive travel, would & # x27 ; s train tube. Slays my zen I remember days it took over an hour of just on! But yeah, two hours isnt unheard of for any of those.! 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